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WPBDF Canvas Collage Project

March 1 - March 22

WHD Canvas Collage 2025

The Western Pennsylvania Bleeding Disorders Foundation invites you to participate in a special activity for Bleeding Disorders Awareness Month! We are asking our members and families to paint a 4” x 4” mini canvas to go along with World Hemophilia Day’s theme – Access for All: Women and girls bleed too! This collage will hang in the Foundation office!

We will start shipping the canvas squares on March 1. A stamped addressed return envelope will be included. Please send your decorated canvas back to the Foundation by Friday, April 11, 2025. Our goal is to showcase the completed project on World Hemophilia Day, April 17, 2025.

All the canvas squares will be shared on social media on April 14. Community members are encouraged to vote on their favorite ones! The canvas with the most votes will win four reserved seats to a 2025 Washington Wild Things game!

RSVP: This project is open to all members of WPBDF. Supplies will be sent to those who register. To register, call the Foundation at 724-741-6160 or email rsvp@wpbdf.org, by Friday, March 21, to give us your name, mailing address, number of people participating, and to let us know if you will need paint and/or paint brushes to be sent with your canvas.

Help Us Create a Better World for Those with Bleeding Disorders

Giving back is as simple as one dollar, one day, one moment. You can change the tomorrow of someone in need. Join Us.